We cooperate with the following companies:
- with MANNESMANN DEMAG Hüttentechnik, in period from 1993. till 1996. at the Project parts for Foundries and Steel Mills
- with MAN-GHH, in period from 1994. till 1995. at the Project parts for Foundries and Steel Mills
- with company HERWEG Germany, in period from 1994. till 2000. at the Project parts for Foundries and Steel Mills
- with company SVEDALA Sweden, in period from 1991. till 2001. at the Projects for Crushing and Sieving of Stones
- with company METSO MINERALS from 2001. at the Projects of Technological Water Cleaning
- with company IFE Aufbereitungstechnik Austria from 2004. at the Projects for Dosing, Sieving, Sorting and Dewatering of Material
- with company AR-Tech from 1999. at Basic Engineering and Detail Engineering Technical Documentation Design
- with company ČELIK Križevci from 1995. in manufacturing and installation of Technical Machines and Equipment